LFS VERSION	ALL (Linux >= 2.4.19)
AUTHOR:		Konrad Miller <konrad_miller@gmx.net>

	How to install a USB-mouse


1. Recompile the Kernel. You need to turn on:
	USB support  ---> 
		<M> Support for USB
		<M>   UHCI (Intel PIIX4, VIA, ...) support 
		<M>   USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support 
		[*]     HID input layer support 
	Input core support  --->  
		<M> Input core support       
		<M>   Mouse support

Do _not_ turn on "USB HIDBP Mouse support"
If you build modules, you need to load "input.o", "hid.o", and "mousedev.o".

2. Plug in the Mouse and check if it was detected (kernel message)

3. Create the mouse nodes by running the following commands:
	mkdir /dev/input	\
	mknod /dev/input/mice c 13 63

4. You probably want to use the mouse under X, you need to edit your XF86Config
(/etc/X11/XF86Config). Change your InputDevice and ServerLayout sections to
something like that:

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier			"USB Mice"
    Driver			"mouse"
    Option "Protocol"    	"IMPS/2"
    Option "Device"      	"/dev/input/mice"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" 	"4 5"
    Option "Buttons"	  	"5"

Section "ServerLayout"
    InputDevice 	"USB Mice"  		"CorePointer"


Hannes Birnbacher asked me to add the following comments:
"For any software using not X-Window, but libvga, like some Games and like 
links2.1pre4, it is important to check /etc/vga/libvga.config after 
installation of libvga. I had among else to insert the following lines and to 
comment out what was there before for my USB optical mouse for "mdev" and 

	mdev  /dev/input/mice
        mouse imps2

and, for my Typhoon Optical Mouse with Cable, change mouse_accel_maxdelta and 
mouse_accel_thresh to one tenth of what stood there before."

I did not check the comments of Hannes but I hope they may be helpful.

check out  http://www.linux-usb.org/USB-guide/x194.html for further information!