TITLE: uclibc-lfs LFS VERSION: N/A AUTHOR: Michaƫl Tousignant <evanidus@videotron.ca> SYNOPSIS: How to build a uClibc based, base LFS system. HINT: HINT VERSION: 0.3r4 (20020816) CHANGELOG: 0.3r3 -> 0.3r4 - Updated the faulty reiserfsprogs install instructions 0.3r2 -> 0.3r3 - Added static gcc 2.95.3-2 installation commands. - Added gcc 2.95.3 tarball download location. 0.3r1 -> 0.3r2 - Added a changelog - Added notes about GCC 3.x and static perl 5.6.1 - Added gcc 2.95.3-2 note about LFS chapter 5. 0.3 -> 0.3r1 - Fixed url for patches 0.2r1 -> 0.3 - Added patch to compile GCC's C++ compiler and libraries - Removed man2cat instructions - Removed static groff compilation, added it shared. - Removed file and ncurses' tic workarounds, added patches. - Removed nasm - Updated packages versions - Did some cleanups. 0.2 -> 0.2r1 - Small modifications to make the hint more LFS hints standards compilant. 0.2 - Initial public release. Before trying to build a uClibc system, you should ask yourself if you really want to because it means: - No modutils (Unless if you don't mind using a glibc static modutils) - No support (for now) for installing non-LFS packages (good luck) - This hint was made/tested using gcc 2.95.3-2 on x86 only. If you are using gcc 3.x.x or different arch, you 'might' encounter new problems. (good luck) Be sure to check the uClibc website (http://www.uclibc.org/) and docs to see what it support and what it don't. ======================= 0. Table of Content ======================= 1. Prerequisites 2. System preparations 3. Building the system 4. F.A.Q. ======================= 1. Prerequisites ======================= Prerequisites (Before starting LFS chapter6): - A complete LFS chapter 5 (keep chap 5 & 6 separated (/static style) is very recommended moreover since this hint will assume you are using it.) - gcc 2.95.3 tarball (ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/) - perl-5.6.1 tarball (http://www.perl.org/) - (optional) modutils tarball(ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/) Prerequisites (To complete LFS chapter6) - All LFS chapter6 packages tarballs and patches except: 1. psmisc 20.2+ 2. modutils 3. gcc 3.x+ 4. glibc - uClibc-0.9.14 tarball (http://www.uclibc.org/) - psmisc-20.1 tarball (http://psmisc.sourceforge.net/) - Various patches (their functions are explained later) that can be found under: ftp://ftp.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs-hints/patches/ from the file named "uclibc-lfs-patches-0.3.tar.bz2" - The LFS book, 3.3+ recommended. (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/) ======================= 2. System preparations ======================= Before starting chapter6 in the book, we'll need to add some extras to the chapter5 static utilities: Note: Every commands are expected to be run inside the freshly extracted clean source of the package. - static gcc 2.95.3-2 If the LFS Chapter 5 static utilities you are going to use have gcc 3.x rather than gcc 2.95.3. Here is the instructions to replace it (if you already have gcc 2.95.3-2 ready, you may skip this step): patch -Np1 -i ../uclibc-lfs-patches/gcc-2.95.3-2.patch && mkdir ../gcc-build && cd ../gcc-build && ../gcc-2.95.3/configure --prefix=/static --enable-languages=c \ --disable-nls --disable-shared --enable-threads=posix && make BOOT_LDFLAGS=-static bootstrap && make prefix=$LFS/static install && ln -s gcc $LFS/static/bin/cc - static perl (tested with 5.6.1) GCC 3.x notice: If the host compiler you are using is gcc 3.x, you might encounter problems compiling a static perl 5.6.1. If this is the case, use perl 5.8.0 instead. Perl is needed to execute a script during uClibc compilation It can be installed by running the following commands: ./Configure -Dprefix=/static -Dinstallprefix=$LFS/static -Dso=none \ -Dldflags=-static -Uinstallusrbinperl -Uusedl -Dman1dir=none \ -d -e && make && make install Note: Don't bother configuring perl properly (i.e. the way you want it) because it'll be normally reinstalled in chapter6, defaults will do. - optional static modutils (tested with 2.4.16) For still unknown reasons, utils from modutils tends to segfault when doing certain operations when linked against uClibc making them unusable. If, for you, modules are important (you can always build a modules-free kernel), you'll need to build a static glibc modutils by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=$LFS/usr --exec-prefix=$LFS \ --mandir=$LFS/usr/share/man && make LDFLAGS=-static && make install ======================= 3. Building the system ======================= Now, let's start the LFS chapter6. Do everything the LFS book tell you to do until you reach the first package (usualy linux headers or glibc) First, extract the uclibc-lfs-patches package inside the same directories as other packages. If not already done, (some versions of the book do it while building glibc, some do it before and some run MAKEDEV itself before which do it), also do: mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 3 From here on, every commands are expected to be run inside the freshly extracted clean source of the package we are working on. Note: You can install things in the same order of the book or whichever order you prefer except for the followings 'should' be installed in this order: 1. linux source and headers 2. uClibc 0.9.14 3. GCC 2.95.3-2 Some packages uses utilities like 'chown' and 'id' which might need to resolve user and group names. Since our chapter 5 is glibc based, they won't be able to resolve them even after uClibc is installed so we must recompile/install them first. 3. fileutils 4. sh-utils 5. MAKEDEV (Creating Devices) -> This might be already done based on book version, if so, skip. 6. ncurses 7. bash For other packages, you can use the order you want but the one stated in this hint is prefered since it is with what it was tested. Instructions to install packages are found further down. - Linux source and headers (tested 2.4.19) Some versions of the book do this in chapter 5 and some others before glibc in chapter 6. uClibc will need the kernel source to be around. If you didn't install the headers in chapter 5, run the commands in the book (near start of chapter 6) and keep the source. If you installed the headers in chapter 5 and did not keep the source, run the following commands (ignore symlinks errors): ln -s ../static/bin/pwd /bin/pwd ln -s ../static/bin/bash /bin/sh make mrproper && make include/linux/version.h && make symlinks - uClibc 0.9.14 Instead of glibc (which we won't install at all), we'll now install uClibc-0.9.14. We'll first need some symbolic links. Some of these might already exist so you can ignore errors (Note: if any binaries were installed in /static/usr/bin rather than /static/bin, you'll need to update the links): ln -s ../static/bin/bash /bin/sh ln -s ../static/bin/pwd /bin ln -s ../../static/bin/perl /usr/bin ln -s ../static/bin/true /bin Note: These were not created before because some version of the book create and delete the pwd symlink installing linux headers. So we ensure we got everything here. You can now compile/install uClibc by running the following commands for which explanations are found further down: Note: It is strongly recommended to use the default optimizations suggested by uClibc. This includes -march= In the following commands, replace '/usr/src/linux-2.4.19' to the path where the kernel source is (if needed). patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/uClibc-0.9.14.patch && ln -s extra/Configs/Config.i386 Config && make DOSHAREDMAIN=true DO_C99_MATH=true HAS_SHADOW=true DOLFS=true \ INCLUDE_RPC=true KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4.19 all install /dev/pty* notes: uClibc can be configured to use /dev/pty* devices rather than devpts/devfs's /dev/pts directory; but to use these, the 'pt_chown' program is needed and is not provided by uClibc. If you really need /dev/pty* support, you'll need to grab the pt_chown source from glibc, compile it with uClibc and put it in /sbin as set-uid root. - I strongly advise everyone to use devpts or devfs instead (the LFS book explains how to setup devpts) Commands explanation: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/uclibc-0.9.14.patch -> This adds "DOSHAREDMAIN=true" support to Makefiles which allow us to install uClibc while no o1ther libc is present and as "main" libc. (e.g. use /lib, /usr/{lib,include} etc.. rather than all under /usr/<arch>-linux-uclibc/). It also removes the need of a gcc/ld wrapper and add a small flag in uClibc_stdio.h which will help with GCC's C++ compilation. ln -s extra/Configs/Config.i386 Config -> Simply gets the default configs for Config.<arch>. If you are using a non-x86 system you'll need to adjust this. (Sadly, this hint was made/tested by using x86 only, but good luck.) make DOSHAREDMAIN=true DO_C99_MATH=true HAS_SHADOW=true DOLFS=true INCLUDE_RPC=true all install \ -> Will build/install uClibc, the different variables set will do: - DOSHAREDMAIN=true -> Activate our patch (install uClibc as main libc) - DO_C99_MATH=true -> Provide a full set of C99 math features for the math library (libm) Many recent packages using libm needs this. - HAS_SHADOW=true -> Add shadow password support (which a normal LFS use) - DOLFS=true -> Add Large File Support (2GB+), although you can disable the use of this on most packages if you don't need it. Some (such as recent e2fsprogs) just won't compile without it. So best to enable it. Note: the kernel will also need to support large files - INCLUDE_RPC=true -> RPC is not used by much things besides NFS (network file system). Yet, some packages like shadow will try to use a function provided by this. So we enable it by default. - KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux-2.4.19 -> Simply tells uClibc where the kernel source is. Note: If you need a full set of RPC functions, you can also supply "INCLUDE_FULL_RPC=true". Most people shouldn't need this, NFS mounts works fine without it. ---------------------- To install the following packages, just follow the LFS book instructions in chapter6 and apply the modifications/additions to these commands mentioned below (if any) while doing so: Note: Exact commands won't be given to increase compatibility with the LFS book version you are using and make this hint be easier to keep up to date. - man-pages (tested with 1.52) - GCC 2.95.3-2 Since gcc 2.95.3 is being made obsolete in recent LFS books (replaced by gcc 3.1+), we'll give the exact commands. GCC's libstdc++ library use libio which is normaly avaible within glibc and fail to properly detect missing functions and create proper headers. The following commands will solve the problem and build/install GCC's C and C++ compiler (Note: the fix is still experimental, might not work for everyone.) patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/gcc-2.95.3-2.patch && patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/gcc-2.95.3-uClibc.patch && cp ../uclibc-lfs-patches/_G_config.h /usr/include && mkdir ../gcc-build && cd ../gcc-build && ../gcc-2.95.3/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-nls \ --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-threads=posix && make bootstrap && make install && ln -sf ../usr/bin/cpp /lib && ln -sf ../bin/cpp /usr/lib && ln -sf gcc /usr/bin/cc && rmdir /usr/*-gnu/include && rmdir /usr/*-gnu - fileutils (tested with 4.1) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - sh-utils (tested with 2.0) run before starting: rm -f /bin/{true,pwd} append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - MAKEDEV (tested with 1.5) - ncurses (tested with 5.2) run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/ncurses-5.2-uClibc.patch -> Solve a obscure problem (probably caused by faultly is* (ctype) in uClibc) append before ./configure: CXX="g++ -D_ISOC99_SOURCE" -> This will declare vsscanf in stdio.h which is normaly not with uClibc headers. - bash (tested with 2.05a) run before starting: ln -s ../static/bin/cat /bin -> Bash will use /bin/cat for some operations and since we still didn't install textutils, this symbolic link will be needed. - zlib (tested with 1.1.4) Only recents LFS book (CVS only at this momment) gives zlib installation commands. Because of this, we also include them here: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make libz.a && cp libz.a /usr/lib && chmod -x /usr/lib/libz.a && ./configure --shared --prefix=/usr --libdir=/lib && make clean all && make install && rm -f /lib/libz.so && ln -sf ../../lib/libz.so.1 /usr/lib/libz.so && cp zlib.3 /usr/share/man/man3 Commands explanations: zlib build only either a the static or shared copy of itself. Since it is often preferred to get both, we do so by building it twice. [...] --libdir=/lib -> Since a few programs that use zlib will be installed in /sbin we install libz in /lib rather than /usr/lib so that it'll always be available for them even if /usr is not mounted. make clean all -> code build from the first build could be re-used but cleaning let zlib be build with preferred compiler flags for shared libraries (-fPIC) rather than those chosen for the static one. rm -f /lib/libz.so && ln -sf ../../lib/libz.so.1 /usr/bin/libz.so -> libz.so is not needed in /lib, while it is in /usr/lib, this is only used as information for the linker to help it find the library. (No programs will directly be linked against libz.so, they will use /lib/libz.so.1) - ViM (tested with 6.1) Note: --disable-nls shouldn't be needed (auto-detected) - findutils (tested with 4.1) - gawk (tested with 3.1.1) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - bison (tested with 1.35) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - less (tested with 374) - groff (tested with 1.17.2) - textutils (tested with 2.1) run: rm -f /bin/cat -> We made that symbolic link when building bash, we only remove it because recent LFS books expect /bin/cat to be inexistent. append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - sed (tested with 3.02) - flex (tested with 2.5.4a) - binutils (tested with 2.13) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - gettext Skip this package for now because it'll make some packages think we want NLS support. (Will save us work if they don't) - If you need gettext for other reasons (such as running 'aclocal' in a source that support gettext and without problems) Do it at the end of this hint, you'll also find instructions there. - net-tools (tested with 1.60) Two protocols (enabled by default) won't compile because of missing includes/functions missing in uClibc. These are, AX25 and NET/ROM (Packet Radio) which are unused and safe to disable for 'most' people. If you configure net-tools 'without' using 'yes "" | make', just say 'n' each time it mention them (AX25 and NET/ROM) and install it normally. Otherwise, use these commands instead of those in the LFS book: yes "" | make config && mv config.h config.h~ && sed -e /AX25/s/1/0/ -e /NETROM/s/1/0/ < config.h~ > config.h && make && make update - m4 (tested with 1.4) run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/m4-1.4-uClibc.patch -> m4 needs some functions missing in uClibc, this patch provides them. append in front of ./configure: CPPFLAGS='-D__FORCE_NOGLIBC -D_ISOC99_SOURCE' -> -D__FORCE_NOGLIBC tells configure/m4 we don't have glibc so that it'll define its own obstack functions which aren't avaible in uClibc. -D_ISOC99_SOURCE is needed to properly compiles our added functions from the patch. - texinfo (tested with 4.2) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - autoconf (tested with 2.53) - automake (tested with 1.6.2) - file (tested with 3.39) run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/file-3.39-uClibc.patch -> Solve a obscure problem (probably caused by faultly is* (ctype) in uClibc) - libtool (tested with 1.4.2) - bin86 (tested with 0.16.3) - bzip2 (tested with 1.0.2) - ed (tested with 0.2) - kbd (tested with 1.06) - diffutils (tested with 2.8.1) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - e2fsprogs (tested with 1.27) Note: --disable-nls shouldn't be needed (auto-detected) - grep (tested with 2.5) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - gzip (tested with 1.2.4a) - man (tested with 1.5k) append to make flags: CFLAGS='-DNONLS' -> Remove native language support which fix compilation. Note: CFLAGS is a empty var for man's makefiles, setting it will not remove any C compiler flags it already use. - lilo (tested with 22.2) - make 3.79.1 append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - modutils Skip this package, it will compile but will segfault on many operations making it unusable. Either use a modules-less kernel or get a static modutils (until the problem is solved). This was explained earlier in section 2. - netkit-base (tested with 0.17) - patch (tested with 2.5.4) - procinfo (tested with 18) - procps (tested with 2.0.7) run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/procps-2.0.7-uClibc.patch -> This patch stop top.c from using an include + function not provided by uClibc related to locales in order to have it build properly. - psmisc (tested with 20.1) Note: psmisc 20.2 and 21 has incomplete '--disable-nls' support and won't compile with uClibc without modifications. Since psmisc 20.1 programs works properly and do not have NLS support at all, we will install it instead. (You can do so by using the same commands as in the LFS book) - reiserfsprogs (tested with 3.6.3) Note: reiserfsprogs was removed from recent LFS books, yet since many are probably using it and that there is a problem compiling it with uClibc, we includes it here with the fix. If you don't use reiserfs, just skip this package. run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/reiserfsprogs-3.6.3-uClibc.patch -> provide the (missing in uClibc) obstack functions and include needed by reiserfs. Instructions to install reiserfsprogs should be avaible in the BLFS book (http://beyond.linuxfromscratch.org). But since they arn't in the LFS book itself anymore, we also give them: ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix= && make && make install - shadow (tested with 4.0.3) run before starting: patch -Np1 < ../uclibc-lfs-patches/shadow-4.0.3-uClibc.patch -> Shadow tries to use the putgrent function missing in uClibc, this patch will provide it. It also try to use 'innetgr' a NIS related function which is not supported by uClibc at all so disable it. append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - sysklogd (tested with 1.4.1) - sysvinit (tested with 2.84) - tar (tested with 1.13) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - util-linux (tested with 2.11o) omit from the 'make' and 'make install' flags: HAVE_SLN=yes -> The LFS book use this because glibc already provide a sln (static ln) Since uClibc don't, we should get the util-linux one. - perl (tested with 5.6.1) Note: perl will compile with uClibc but "make test" will fail on some tests. Yet, there's a good chance you'll never need these features so you shouldn't pay attention to it. - gettext (tested with 0.11.5) Note: You should only install this packages if you need it for other purposes than native language support. (like running aclocal in a source supporting gettext) If you install it, you should consider installing it under a different prefix than /usr (like /opt/gettext for instance) append to ./configure flags: --disable-nls - Chapter 7+ of the LFS book Can be completed without any modifications at the exception of the /etc/localtime symlink which should be ommited, it's over for the hint; yet you might want to have a look at section 4 (F.A.Q) if not already done. ======================= 4. F.A.Q. ======================= Q: This hint mention "keep chap 5 & 6 separated", "/static" style, and often use some /static directory. What is that? How do I make one? A: LFS 4.0 (currently only in CVS as this is written) will use a special directory ($LFS/static) to install all the statically compiled utilities of chapter5. This is an implementation of the "keep_chap5_and_chap6_sep.txt" hint. If you wish to do the same, see that hint or build a chapter5 based on LFS CVS/4.0+ instructions. (Note: LFS CVS/4.0+ also use gcc 3.1+. If you wish to keep using gcc 2.95.3-2, just use the instructions from the LFS 3.3 book and replace the occurences of "/usr" by "/static" for chapter5) Q: Do I really need to build a static perl? A: For now yes, uClibc need it to run one perl script required for the build process. It should be easily rewritable using AWK however; if you wish to do so, you'll find the script at "extra/scripts/initfini.pl" inside the uClibc source. Patches are welcome (and in this case, it should be sent to uClibc peoples directly) Q: With many packages, I keep on seeing: "the 'setlocale' function supports only C|POSIX locales" - Is this bad? A: No. uClibc could be compiled with locales support (i.e. support other locales than C/POSIX locales), but this is a "horrible hack" using parts from glibc. I strongly recommend you don't bother about this. Q: Why is '--disable-nls' used for so many packages? Some packages compile just fine with native language support. A: Even if it compile, the NLS won't be usable. It will just make the compiled binaries and files use a little more disk space/RAM for nothing. Q: Will I be able to use XFree86? A: You can, but this hint don't explain how. (Expect troubles) Q: This hint told me how to make a normal LFS system with uClibc, but I was interested in uClibc to make a minimal system, which packages should I remove? A: A "minimal system" is very relative on what you want the system to do. The thing is that you can have a linux system work with only a kernel and one thing to do such as running a shell. - Do you need it to be able to compile binaries? (development) - Do you need to be able to login on it? - Do you need documentation? - Do you need a specific interpreted language? - etc... Hint: You should look at the busybox package (http://www.busybox.net/) ======================= End of Hint =======================