TITLE:		Portmapper Installation
AUTHOR:		Wolfgang Arendt <wolare@gmx.de>

	How to install the portmapper

ver 1.0


   1. Introduction
   2. Where to get the necessary files
   3. Compiling tcp-wrappers
   4. Installing tcp-wrappers
   5. Compiling the portmapper.
   6. Installing the portmapper
   7. Creating a start/stop script 

1. Introduction

You need the portmapper, if you intend to build a system, that offers NFS or
NIS services.

2. Where to get the necessary files

You can find the tcp_wrappers package and the portmapper at
The latest packages are named tcp_wrappers_7.6-ipv6.1.tar.gz and

3. Compiling tcp-wrappers

First, unpack the source package. This creates a directory named
tcp_wrappers_7.6-ipv6.1. Make a symbolic link from this directory to
tcp_wrappers. This is needed during the compilation of the portmapper. Then
enter the top level directory of the tcp wrappers package.

First, alter the file percent_m.c by running:

cp percent_m.c percent_m.c.backup &&
chmod u+w percent_m.c &&
cat percent_m.c.backup |\
sed -e '/extern char \*sys_errlist\[\];/d' > percent_m.c

Then issue:

make REAL_DAEMON_DIR=/usr/sbin linux

4. Installing tcp-wrappers

In order to install the tcp wrappers create this file and run it:


# compress and copy man pages
for THIS_FILE in *.[0123456789]; do
    cut -d "." -f 2)
  cat $THIS_FILE |\
    gzip > /usr/share/man/man${THIS_SECTION}/${THIS_FILE}.gz
  echo $THIS_FILE -\> /usr/share/man/man${THIS_SECTION}/${THIS_FILE}.gz

# copy headers
cp -v *.h /usr/include

# copy libraries
cp -v *.a /usr/lib

# copy executables
for THIS_EXECUTABLE in *; do
  if [ -x $THIS_EXECUTABLE ]; then
    # the next 'if' avoids copying this script itself
    if [ ! $THIS_EXECUTABLE = $(basename $0) ]; then
      cp -v $THIS_EXECUTABLE /usr/sbin

This script copies all the manual pages to the /usr/share/man directory. Then it
copies the header files to the /usr/include directory and the file libwrap.a to
the /usr/lib directory. After that, it copies all the executables to the
/usr/sbin directory.
That is all, that is to be done for tcp_wrappers. Do not delete the source tree
yet, as it is needed during compilation of the portmapper.

5. Compiling the portmapper

Unpack the source package and change to the top level directory of the unpacked
files. First, you need to modify the Makefile. The critical line reads:

  CONST   = -Dconst=

Comment out this line, so that it reads:

  # CONST   = -Dconst=

Now you can build the portmapper by issuing:


6.Installing the portmapper

Copy the executable to /usr/sbin:

cp portmap /usr/sbin

7. Creating a start/stop script

All, that is left to be done is, to write a start/stop-script (use
/etc/init.d/template) and link it to the runlevel directories 3, 4 and 5 for
starting and to 0, 1, 2 and 6 for stopping. Make sure, that the portmapper is
being started before starting NFS or NIS services and make sure that these
services are being stopped before the portmapper gets killed.

I guess, that is it. You just installed the portmapper from scratch.

8. Contributions
brendan@cs.uchicago.edu wrote on 20021206 (YYYYMMDD):

> You can simplify the instructions for portmap and tcp_wrappers by
> building portmap with the following command:
> make WRAP_LIB=/path/to/libwrap.a CONST=
> Doing it this way means you don't need the tcp_wrappers source dir
> symlink, and you don't need to edit the portmap Makefile by hand