TITLE:		Compiling OpenOffice.Org from Scratch


AUTHOR:         Tushar Teredesai <Tushar@LinuxFromScratch.Org>

	How to compile 'OpenOffice.org from Scratch'.


Primary Location of this hint:
The latest version of the hint and any relevant patches are available at that
site. Please refer to the primary location before submitting
bug-reports/enhancements to this hint.

You may freely copy this document or create derivate works or distribute the
document in any format. At your discretion, you may give credit to the original

Use the hint at your own risk. Neither the author, nor the Linux From Scratch
project accepts any reponsibility for anything that happens when using these
documents or associated files.

An appropriate place to discuss this hint is blfs-support MailingList/NewsGroup
at LinuxFromScratch.Org.

Change Log:
        * Changed primary location and e-mail address.
	* Upgraded to OpenOffice 1.0.1.
	* Added optimization hint.
	* Added alternate site for hint.
	* First public version.

The build takes a lot in terms of CPU power, hard disk space and time:)
On my PIII-850MHz, it took around 12 hours and consumed 2 GB.

Pre-requisites (post LFS):
	* Freetype 2.1
	* XFree86 4.2.0
	* Sun JDK 1.4
	* InfoZip Zip
	* InfoZip Unzip
	* Tenex C Shell
	* Linux PAM
* Installation of these packages in discussed in the BLFS book at
* The patches are for gcc-3.2 system and may work for future versions. If you
  using a previous version, correct the configure.in patch before applying.
* Previous version of X will probably work though I have not tested them.
* JDK 1.3 may work, no guarantees.
* You don't need to install PAM You just need the PAM headers in
  /usr/include/security. You can either download PAM and do a "./configure
  --prefix=/tmp --includedir=/usr/include && make install" or download the
  headers from the hint's primary site. Alternately if you don't want to install
  the headers system wide, you can follow the instructions given below to
  install them in the OpenOffice source tree. Please not that I have submitted
  the patch to the OpenOffice bugzilla, but dunno if or when it will be
* If you have set the LS_COLORS variable, do a export LS_COLORS="" to prevent
  tcsh from reading bash syntax for LS_COLORS.

Packages to download:
	* Berkeley DB 4.0.14
	* STLport 4.5.3
	* OpenOffice.Org:)
	* General Polygon Clipper

Thanks are due to Debian and Redhat developers for providing hints and patches.

The OOo source comes with some of the packages I have mentioned above, but the
versions are slightly old and may have problems with gcc-3.2. Hence I decided to
use system installed versions wherever possible.

Compiling Berkeley DB:

Install Berkeley DB using the following commands. Note that these commands
differ slightly from that in the BLFS book (we also compile the C++ and Java

	cd build_unix
	../dist/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-compat185 --enable-cxx --enable-java
	make docdir=/usr/share/doc/db install

Compiling STLport:

The patches for STLport are available at the primary site for this hint.
	export PATH=$PWD/stlport:$PATH
	cd src
	sed -e "s:\-O2:$CFLAGS:" gcc-linux.mak > Makefile
	make INSTALLDIR=/usr install

Compiling OOo:

Untar both OOo and gpc and copy the gpc.c and gpc.h files from the gpc package
to <$OOSRC/external/gpc>.

Apply the patches that you have downloaded.

If you need to set optimization flags, set the CFLAGS variable and do the
following to incorporate those into the configuration files. My setting for
CFLAGS is "-O3 -march=i686 -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops
-frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -falign-functions=4". Using that
increased the compile time from 12 hours to 17 hours.
	cd $OOSRC/solenv/inc &&
	cp unxlngi3.mk unxlngi3.mk.orig &&
	sed -e "s:^CFLAGSOPT=.*:CFLAGSOPT=${CFLAGS}:g" \
		unxlngi3.mk.orig > unxlngi3.mk &&
	cp unxlngi4.mk unxlngi4.mk.orig &&
	sed -e "s:^CFLAGSOPT=.*:CFLAGSOPT=${CFLAGS}:g" \
		unxlngi4.mk.orig > unxlngi4.mk

The mozilla libraries that are included with openoffice are pretty old and link
against gcc-3.0.x. Instead what we will do is to recreate the mozilla files that
are needed by OpenOffice. Set MOZ_PREFIX to the prefix where you have installed
Mozilla. Also note that you will need slightly modified Mozilla installation
instructions. Check the Mozilla hint for the update. Don't worry if some of the
libraries seem to be missing. I had problems using these instructions with
Mozilla 1.2a, but 1.0.1 was ok.
	cd $OOSRC
	rm -f moz/zipped/LINUXGCCI*.zip
	cd ${MOZ_PREFIX}/include/mozilla
	zip -r ${OOSRC}/moz/zipped/LINUXGCCIinc.zip *
	cd ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla
	zip -j ${OOSRC}/moz/zipped/LINUXGCCIlib.zip openoffice/lib*.a \
		libnspr4.so libxpcom.so
	cd ${OOSRC}/..
	mkdir -p mozilla/components mozilla/defaults/pref
	cd mozilla
	for i in absyncsvc addrbook mork mozldap necko pref profile rdf strres \
		uconv ucvcn ucvibm ucvja ucvko ucvlatin ucvtw ucvtw2 \
		unicharutil uriloader vcard xpconnect
		cp -a ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla/components/lib${i}.so components
	for i in necko_dns xpcom_xpti xpcom_threads xpcom_io xpcom_ds \
		xpcom_components xpcom_base
		cp -a ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla/components/${i}.xpt components/
	for i in xpti xptitemp
		cp -a ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla/components/${i}.dat components/
	cp -a ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla/defaults/pref/*.js defaults/pref/
	for i in mozjs msgbaseutil ldap50 nspr4 plc4 plds4 xpcom prldap50
		cp -a ${MOZ_PREFIX}/lib/mozilla/lib${i}.so .
	zip -r ${OOSRC}/moz/zipped/LINUXGCCIruntime.zip *
	cd ..
	rm -rf mozilla/

If you don't want to install Linux PAM system wide (even the headers as
mentioned above), download the Linux-PAM header tar ball from the hint's primary
location and move the headers to $OOSRC/external/pam. Also apply the patch to
use internal PAM.

Configure OOo with the options. This will generate LinuxIntelEnv.Set in $OOSRC
directory. We need to run autoconf since in the above patches we patch
configure.in but not configure.
	cd $OOSRC/config_office/ &&
	autoconf &&
	./configure --enable-gcc3 --with-jdk-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
		--with-lang=ENUS --with-x --with-stlport4-home=/usr
I configured for US English, you can enable more languages or all languages by
using --with-lang=ALL.

Verify that the $OOSRC/LinuxIntelEnv.Set file is correct.

If when compiling gcc, you included java in the list of languages, then you will
have a file /usr/include/jni.h which will give you problems since it appears
first in the include path. So move the file to a different location and remember
to restore it back after compiling OOo. (To avoid this problem, I compile gcc
with --includedir=/usr/include/gcc)

Now some workarounds to 'fix' the build process. If you do a "make clean"
remember to repeat the following steps again. Note that libgcc_s.so* files in
your installation could be in /lib.
	cd $OOSRC
	mkdir -p solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/inc/
	touch solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/inc/minormkchanged.flg
	mkdir -p solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/lib/
	cp -f /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5* /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so* \
	chmod +x solenv/bin/zipdep.pl

Now run the bootstrapping program which will build the pre-requisites such as
dmake that are required for building OOo.
	tcsh -c "source LinuxIntelEnv.Set; ./bootstrap"
This will run for sometime and build the required tools.

Now to compiling the package. Remember looks are deceiving:) Though a one liner,
the following command does everything except for the kitchen sink:) It will
build all the sub-projects of OOo and then copy them to the appropriate
locations and then make suitable installation sets.
	tcsh -c "source LinuxIntelEnv.Set; dmake"

Once the package is built, now on to installation.
	cd $OOSRC/instsetoo/unxlngi4.pro/01/normal
In case you are wondering, 01 represents the telephone code for US (the language
I built). So if you want a German installation, replace 01 by 49.

If you would like to keep a backup for future installations, the files in this
directory are all you need to keep.

Edit the install script. I prefer making the following changes
	cp install install.orig
	sed -e "s:oo_home=OpenOffice.org1.0:oo_home=openoffice:" install.orig > install
	chmod +x install

Now install OOo. Note that though the script does not open any windows it needs
permission to open the display. So set the DISPLAY variable accordingly.
	./install --prefix=/opt

I prefer creating symbolic links to the programs from a standard location
(/usr/X11R6/bin) rather than including the directory where the OOo programs
reside into my path.
If you prefer to do that, do the following:
	for appl in swriter scalc sdraw simpress smath soffice
	ln -sf /opt/openoffice/program/$appl /usr/X11R6/bin/$appl

If you had moved /usr/include/jni.h, remember to restore it to its proper
location, else the Gods will be angry and curse the OOo installation:)

The first time you start the application as any user, the setup program will
start. Select the "Workstation Install" option to configure OpenOffice. This
will create the user directories that OOo can use.

Don't forget to send me bug reports and enhancements so that I can keep the hint