TITLE:		Ada Compiler Hint
LFS VERSION:	All, (any Linux/UNIX system using gcc)
AUTHOR:		Chris Lingard	chris@stockwith.co.uk


For some time gcc has been available with an Ada compiler called gnat

The Ada compiler is unusual in that it is written in Ada.  All the
other languages that gcc supports have their compiler written in C.

>From gcc-3.1, Ada is included in the 'everything' tar ball


First the dependencies/downloads required
tcsh-6.11.tar.bz2	from    tcsh.org
Just get the latest version.

gnat-<version>-<hardware>.tar.bz2           from cs.nyu.edu/pub/gnat/<version>

/gnat-3.14p/gnat-3.14p-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin.tar.bz2 currently, (for PCs)

There is a note in directory gnat about latest version, change directory
to this, it is currently 3.14p.

(Do not worry about the i686, this runs in AMD too)
If you are lucky enough to have a machine other than a PC; then get
the file for the appropriate hardware.

You need tcsh because the scripts to unpack the Ada compiler are csh scripts.

Build tcsh any way you want; then move tcsh to /bin
Then go to /bin and do
ln  -s tcsh  csh
This allows us to use scripts starting with #!/bin/csh

We now need to put the Ada compiler in a temporary location.  It will only
be used for the stage1 build of gcc.

Set up a temporary account on your machine.  Let us call this account Compiler
Log in as Compiler and unpack the gnat tar ball.  This expands into a
directory called gnat-3.14p-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin, cd into this directory.

Run the script  ./doconfig

When offered a choice of locations to install gnat, take option 3

  3) Install GCC C compiler and GNAT files in non-standard locations
     that you will specify.

When asked for the location to install,  give the home directory of
this account

    Specify the base directory you want to use for installation:


This will display what is to be installed, and where.

Now use  ./doinstall to install the compiler in this account

cd  to the home directory of Compiler and edit .bash_profile

Make sure that $HOME/bin and the location of gcc are in the PATH

Add the following
export ADAC

cd into bin, (the account's bin) and change the name of gcc to gnatgcc
mv gcc   gnatgcc

This completes the preparation.  Log out, and then log in again

Test that it is set up right:
$ADAC  -v  should be the gnatgcc in $HOME/bin, a static gcc-2.8
gcc -v should be your standard gcc, the normal compiler

Please note that this bootstrap compiler is not complete, but is just
enough to build the Ada in gcc.

Now unpack the source of gcc.  If you have downloaded the Ada source
separately it goes into srcdir/gcc/ada

Change directory to srcdir/gcc/ada and do

touch treeprs.ads [es]info.h nmake.ad[bs]

Now make a build directory somewhere and cd into it

Do your favourite srcdir/configure for gcc except that the following is used:


You can just miss out the language directive and build all the options.

Put the configure output into a file and check that the Ada stuff has been

checking floating point format... IEEE (little-endian)
checking for gnatbind... gnatbind
checking for compiler driver that understands Ada... gcc
checking for mktemp... no

The build instructions are

    make bootstrap
    cd gcc
    make gnatlib_and_tools
    cd ..

This is also required if you are building a Chapter 5, static compiler.

You can now install the compiler and build huge Ada systems

Delete the account Compiler, it is no longer needed