
Introduction to Wireplumber

The Wireplumber package contains a session and policy manager for Pipewire.



Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.

Package Information

Wireplumber Dependencies


elogind-255.17, GLib-2.84.0, and pipewire-1.4.0



Doxygen-1.13.2, lxml-5.3.1, sphinx-8.2.3, sphinx_rtd_theme-3.0.2, and Breathe

Installation of Wireplumber

Install Wireplumber by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release -D system-lua=true .. &&

To test the results, issue: ninja test.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Finally, rename the documentation directory to a versioned directory as the root user:

mv -v /usr/share/doc/wireplumber{,-0.5.8}

Command Explanations

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.

-D system-lua=true: This switch enables using the system version of Lua. Omit this switch if you have not installed Lua, but note that meson will download and install it's own version.

Configuring Wireplumber

Configuration Information

In order for Wireplumber to be used by Pipewire, Wireplumber and Pipewire must be configured to start when a desktop environment is started.

Pipewire now provides it's own Pulseaudio server implementation, which causes runtime conflicts with the server provided by Pulseaudio itself. This generally presents itself by applications hanging or malfunctioning when trying to play or record audio and video. First, prevent Pulseaudio from starting it's own server implementation by running the following commands as the root user:

rm -vf /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop         &&
rm -vf /etc/xdg/Xwayland-session.d/00-pulseaudio-x11 &&
sed -e '$a autospawn = no' -i /etc/pulse/client.conf

Next, create a shell script that will start Wireplumber and Pipewire in the correct order as the root user:

cat > /usr/bin/pipewire-launcher.sh << "EOF"
# Begin /usr/bin/pipewire-launcher.sh

# First, kill any previous instances of pipewire, wireplumber, or pipewire-pulse
# that are running. Multiple instances of the daemon can not be run at the same
# time, and this helps prevent possible errors if a user logs out or logs in
# too fast, and restores audio if Pipewire hangs and needs to be reset.

pkill -u ${USER} -fx /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse
pkill -u ${USER} -fx /usr/bin/wireplumber
pkill -u ${USER} -fx /usr/bin/pipewire

# Start Pipewire first.
exec /usr/bin/pipewire &

# Next, we need to wait until pipewire is up before starting wireplumber.
# This prevents a possible race condition where pipewire takes too long
# to start, as some users have run into.
while [ $(pgrep -f /usr/bin/pipewire) = "" ]; do
   sleep 1

# Start Wireplumber now that Pipewire has been started.
exec /usr/bin/wireplumber &

# Start the Pulseaudio server included with Pipewire.
exec /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse &

# End /usr/bin/pipewire-launcher.sh

Next, make this shell script executable as the root user:

chmod +x /usr/bin/pipewire-launcher.sh

Finally, create an XDG Autostart file that will run /usr/bin/pipewire-launcher.sh when a desktop environment is started, as the root user:

cat > /etc/xdg/autostart/pipewire.desktop << "EOF"
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Starts the Pipewire and Wireplumber daemons

Now that Wireplumber is configured to start when a desktop environment is started, it is recommended that you log out of your session and log back in again.


Installed Programs: wireplumber, wpctl, and wpexec
Installed Libraries: libwireplumber-0.5.so
Installed Directories: /usr/include/wireplumber-0.5, /usr/lib/wireplumber-0.5, /usr/share/wireplumber, and /usr/share/doc/wireplumber-0.5.8

Short Descriptions


is a session and policy manager for Pipewire


controls and queries information from Wireplumber


executes Wireplumber scripts, which are often written in Lua


contains functions that allow other programs to control Wireplumber