
Introduction to UPower

The UPower package provides an interface for enumerating power devices, listening to device events, and querying history and statistics. Any application or service on the system can access the org.freedesktop.UPower service via the system message bus.



Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.

Package Information

UPower Dependencies


libgudev-238 and libusb-1.0.27

Optional (Required if building GNOME)

GLib-2.84.0 (with GObject Introspection)


GTK-Doc-1.34.0, libxslt-1.1.42, docbook-xsl-nons-1.79.2, PyGObject-3.52.1, dbusmock-0.34.3, umockdev-0.19.1 (for part of the test suite), and libimobiledevice

Installation of UPower

Install UPower by running the following commands:

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup ..                   \
      --prefix=/usr              \
      --buildtype=release        \
      -D gtk-doc=false           \
      -D man=false               \
      -D systemdsystemunitdir=no \
      -D udevrulesdir=/usr/lib/udev/rules.d &&

To test the results, issue: LC_ALL=C ninja test. The test suite should be run from a local GUI session started with dbus-launch. On 32-bit machines, one test will fail due to rounding errors: Tests.test_battery_energy_charge_mixed. On some systems, two tests relating to the headphone hotplug feature are known to fail. Those can be safely ignored since the functionality still works.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

Command Explanations

-D gtk-doc=false: Prevents building the documentation. Remove this if you have GTK-Doc installed and wish to build the documentation.

-D man=false: Prevents building the manual pages. Remove this if you have libxslt-1.1.42 and docbook-xsl-nons-1.79.2 installed and wish to build the manual pages.

-D systemdsystemunitdir=no: Removes the dependency on systemd.

-D udevrulesdir=/usr/lib/udev/rules.d: Tells the build system where to install udev rules because the information is missing in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libudev.pc


Installed Programs: upower
Installed Libraries: libupower-glib.so
Installed Directories: /etc/UPower, /usr/include/libupower-glib, and /var/lib/upower

Short Descriptions


is the UPower command line tool


contains the UPower API functions