The Babl package is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format translation library.
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 647708858d0c217579dec462b5f202a2
Download size: 312 KB
Estimated disk space required: 14 MB (with tests)
Estimated build time: 0.1 SBU (Using parallelism=4; with tests)
GLib-2.84.0 (with GObject Introspection) and librsvg-2.59.2
Little CMS-2.17 and w3m
Install Babl by running the following commands:
mkdir bld && cd bld && meson setup --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release .. && ninja
To test the results, issue: ninja test.
Now, as the root
ninja install && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/babl/graphics && install -v -m644 docs/*.{css,html} /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/babl && install -v -m644 docs/graphics/*.{html,svg} /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/babl/graphics
install -v -m755 -d
/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/babl/graphics: This and the
subsequent commands install the library html documentation under
where other
gtk packages put the programmer-oriented documentation.