The NetworkManager Applet provides a tool and a panel applet used to configure wired and wireless network connections through GUI. It's designed for use with any desktop environment that uses GTK+, such as Xfce and LXDE.
Development versions of BLFS may not build or run some packages properly if LFS or dependencies have been updated since the most recent stable versions of the books.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 83ff059aff3a691766d5f0079209e5af
Download size: 1.9 MB
Estimated disk space required: 46 MB (with tests)
Estimated build time: 0.4 SBU (with tests)
GTK-3.24.49, libnma-1.10.6, and libsecret-0.21.6
GLib-2.84.0 (with GObject Introspection) and ModemManager-1.22.0
Since this package uses Polkit-126 for authorization, one Polkit Authentication Agent should be running when the functionality of this package is used.
Install NetworkManager Applet by running the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build && meson setup .. \ --prefix=/usr \ --buildtype=release \ -D appindicator=no \ -D selinux=false \ -D team=false && ninja
To test the results, issue: ninja test.
Now, as the root
ninja install
-D appindicator=no
: This
switch disables AppIndicator support in network-manager-applet
because it requires libindicator, which is not in BLFS. The build
will fail without this option.
-D selinux=false
: This
switch forcibly disables SELinux
support since it is not currently in BLFS and the build will fail
without it.
-D team=false
: This switch
disables the team configuration editor since it requires jansson-2.14. If you have Jansson installed,
remove this option or set it to true
-D wwan=false
: This switch disables
WWAN support. Use this if you do not have ModemManager-1.22.0 installed.